Stand out from the crowd: The less explored marketing and one of the most effective – Audio branding

Branding and marketing are evolving every day. The techniques of marketing that used to be successful in the recent past have now been changed and the ones now prevalent will be changed in the near future. One form of marketing, that’s relatively unknown so far is audio branding. Audio branding is the practice of actively […]
Audio Branding In 2020: Integration with Voice-Activated Systems

Huge advancements in voice-enabled user interfaces are changing the whole scenario of how people interact with the digital realm. We are, without any doubt, living in a Voice-First era and now is the perfect time to pay attention to the wider and unbelievably powerful new frontier that voice is an integral part of Audio Branding. […]
Audio Logos: Why you need one in 2020

Branding is a science that extends well beyond what the eye can see. The importance of strong visuals in establishing a brand’s identity cannot be overstated but using sound to convey what your brand feels like is also equally important. Audio logos are the notes of music that introduce a brand on the acoustic level. […]
Eco-Friendly Packaging: People Are Being More and More Eco-Conscious

We are producing waste at an alarmingly high rate. Every year billions of tons of waste end up in landfills across the globe and people are now becoming more and more conscious about the environment, trying to eat sustainable foods and reduce their wastage production.People who are conscious enough to reuse even the grocery bag […]
Best Dynamic Branding Examples

Dynamic branding, as the name suggests, is the process of establishing and running a brand in an energetic way. Dynamic brands are energetic, open to change, and bring up new ideas to the table or adopt them before traditional brands. A brand is a relationship between a company and anything or anyone that comes in […]
Responsive logos – The Future of Digital Branding

Responsive logo is the name given to a logotype that is designed in such a way that it remains memorable and easy to recognize no matter how small it gets. The logo will vary slightly with size, but it always conveys the message and brand image/slogan it is meant to promote. Responsive logos a relatively […]
Your brand is your most important company asset

The most valuable asset any company, no matter how small or large, has is its brand. Your brand is intangible, it can’t be converted into cash, but it is the thing that earns your business and trust of customers. Unfortunately, some businesses fail to give due credit and attention to their brand, and it is […]